Mind Monitor
Based on several scientific studies, scientifically validated questionnaires and years of experience listening to people with burnout, mindout has developed its own questionnaire, the Mindout Burnout Scale.
The main objective is to give you the level of burnout you’re at, so that in this way, you can develop strategies to get out of an unhealthy path which will prevent you from growing and becoming fulfilled. Remember, there is always an opportunity for growth and transformation...
...this is the way in to your way out.
If you have never had that feeling, select "Never".
If you have had this feeling, indicate how often you feel it by selecting the best suitable option for you
"I deal very effectively with the problems at my work"
"I feel I treat some tasks/issues at work without commitment"
"I feel emotionally drained from my work."
"I feel fatigued when I get up in the morning and have to face another day on the job."
"I've become more heartless towards people since I took this job."
"I feel I'm positively influencing other people's lives through my work."
"Working with people all day is really a strain for me."
"I don't really care what happens at my work."
"Sometimes I loose control of my emotions"
"Lately I don't recognize myself"
"My family and friends miss me"
"I feel exhilarated after working with colleagues"
"I receive instructions, orders or requests that may be contradictory to each other."
"I am frequently interrupted during my work by unscheduled tasks"
"I work more than 8 hours per day"
"There is nothing I can do to work less"
"During work time I tend to forget to eat"
"It's difficult to be focused"
"I feel I don't have time to myself"
"I am contacted outside working hours for professional reasons"
"My company allows me to reconcile my professional and personal life"
"My work is recognized by my company"
"I feel my work is recognized as useful"
"I wake up several times during the night"
"I feel I sleep the necessary"
"It takes me time to fall asleep"
"I feel I sleep too much"
"I manage to plan my work so that it is done in time"
"I kept in mind the results that I had to achieve in my work"
"I took on extra responsibilities"
"I started new tasks myself, when my old ones were finished"
"I came up with creative solutions to new problems"
"I spoke with colleagues about the negative aspects of my work"
"I spoke with people from outside the organization about the negative aspects of my work."
"I feel I don't have anything else to give"
What is your gender?
How young are you?
What is your civil status?
Please, tell me your level of education.
Now select your occupational category
What about the industry you work in?
How many years have you been working for?
Go ahead!
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